Saturday, September 16, 2017

Beware False DNA

I have noticed a new trend on Facebook that is really starting to get to me. I love the little quizzes and things like that too, but some of them have GONE too far for my liking. 

WhittyBunny's opinion 

WhittyBunny’s “DNA test” says they can tell you what your genetic makeup is based off of their “facial analysis." I believe that games like these are dangerous because people will take it at face value, although it’s far from the truth. I thought I would try it out just to see how it varied. The difference between my actual DNA test results from and the results from WhittyBunny are laughable! The fake test tells me that sixty-two percent of DNA is a collection of genes from regions which none of my ancestors hail. 

The real deal, from 

 I thought it would be fun to see what both of my parents and my full-blooded sister would come up with as well. The results were again laughable. This test shows that I share none of the same origins with either of my parents. 
My father's

My mother's

My sister's 

Some may wonder why this matters if I know that there is no truth in this kind of thing. Well,  the issue at hand is that there are people out there who will believe it, and they will tell their family about the test and then there will be people that will take it as genealogy gospel, causing more family lore than ever before. 

 I take DNA testing very seriously as should everyone else. These kinds of tests are an insult to the study of genealogy and science in general.